WRO 2013 On Tour

WRO on Tour 2013

WRO 2013 Pioneering Values ​​On Tour is a cross—sectional selection of works and documentation material from the WRO Biennale program, prepared by its artistic director, Piotr Krajewski.

WRO 2013 has so far been – in many respects – the biggest edition, presenting media art as an integral part of the contemporary art. Events and exhibitions, combined in year 2013 under the banner of Pioneering Values, ​​have been prepared in the context of the 50th anniversary of electronic art. The image of the impact on the shape of contemporary art practice – with its origins in the experiments of electronic art of the 1960s – has been supported by the examples of the latest art projects using modern communication tools, carried out in the last two years.

Thanks to this, next to the characteristic and significant realizations of the prominent media art pioneers, the WRO Pioneering Values ​​On Tour thematic sets compile a variety of unique artworks out of various curatorial programs, as well as the latest and most interesting projects selected from entries to this year`s Biennale – from post—video art, sophisticated on—screen visual compositions and experimental forms, through multimedia documentation of performances and interactive installations, to projects related to new forms of cultural and social means of communication.

The projection with the commentary presents the specially arranged Biennale venues and by giving the atmosphere of an encounter of the great artists, innovators, and thinkers both shows current trends, attitudes, and insights into artistic practice within media arts today and draws attention to the diversity of social references and cultural issues as defined by the contemporary art.


Barbie’s American Dream

Julia Kurek (PL)
Between regularity and irregularity

Masahiro Tsutani (JP)
Dance of reflexes

Łukasz Prus—Niewiadomski (PL)

Provmyza – Galina Myznikova (RU) + Sergey Provorov (RU)

Wojtek Doroszuk (PL)

Mihai Grecu (RO) + Gleize Thibault (FR)

Antoni Pinent (ES)
A Lot of Things

Sara Amido (PT)

YOUNG POOR ARTISTS – Gedvile Tamosiunaite + Greta Vileikyte + Stanislovas Marmokas + Vladislav Novicki (LT)

Agata Kus (PL)
[mu:stərman] — a Flood Story

Maarten Isaäk de Heer (NL)
Nail Polish Tutorials

Yaima Carrazana (CU)
Piece of Paper

Daniel Schwarz (DE)
The Pixelated Revolution. Non-academic Lecture

Rabih Mroué (LB)
Polish and Cleaners

Jerzy Dobrzański (PL)

ZAPRUDER – Nadia Ranocchi + David Zamagni (IT)

Igor Krenz (PL)
RGB Lookbook

Justyna Misiuk (PL)
Snail Trail

Philipp Artus (DE)
Solace (video documentation)

Nicky Assmann (NL)

Dobrosława Nowak (PL)
Ukrainian Navigator

Marcelo Zammenhoff (PL), Maria Apoleika (PL)

Jarosław Kapuściński (PL/USA)

Pioneering Values Playlist

Nearer — Farther

Józef Robakowski (PL)
Body Collage

Carolee Schneemann (USA)
Body Tape


Woody Vasulka (USA)

Ante Verzotti (HR)
Flying Morning Glory (on fire)

Skip Blumberg (USA)

Ivan Martinac (HR)

Natalia LL (PL)
L’Invitation au voyage

Robert Cahen (FR)
Light Show

Single Wing Turquoise Bird (USA)
MEM [Multiple Energy Mirror] for Józef, Nam June and Witkac

Wrocenter Group
Power Spot

Michael Scroggins (USA)
Test 1

Józef Robakowski (PL)

Naško Križnar — OHO Group (SI)
Violin Power

Steina Vasulka (USA)
WRO Art Center  
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