Return to the World of Dance (2011)
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Dan Boord (USA) + Marilyn Marloff (USA) + Luis Valdovino (AR)
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Return to the World of Dance (single—channel video, 2011)  It is an instructional guide for those perplexed by the post—modern condition. Return to the World of Dance is not about dance, but is a tribute to Fernand Léger’s Ballet Mécanique.

Return to the World of Dance is the last in a series of videos made for the lovers of dance, the Jane Fonda workout video, and the twister game. This series ask the question, „If it is big, if it is orange and if it is ugly — is it contemporary art?” The World of Dance series provide self—help for those who love dance and are without the means to produce a full-scale „Le Sacre du Printemps.”

Dan Boord (b. 1951, USA) — professor and director of the Film Studies Program at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He received a MFA from the University of California, San Diego (1980). He received grants from the Center for New Television, the Ohio Arts Council, WNET/WGBH and the Southwest Alternate Media Project.

Together with Luis Valdovino he participated in international exhibitions, including the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; the Venice Biennale, Italy; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid; the Robert Flaherty Film Seminar and Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.

Luis Valdovino (b. 1961, Argentina) — Associate Professor in the Art & Art History Department at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and has been in charge of the video area since 1993. His research and teaching interests include video art, documentary film/video, experimental film, photography, internet art, cross—cultural exchanges, visual anthropology, Latina video art.

He has received grants from the American Film Institute, the National Endowment for the Arts, Arts International/N.E.A., Illinois Arts Council, and Colorado Council on the Arts, Helena Presents, and the Center for New Television, Chicago.

He received a MFA from the University of Illinois in 1987 and is a long time collaborator with Dan Boord.

Marilyn Marloff (b. 1954, USA) — an Associate Professor in the Dance Department at Old Dominium University, Norfolk, VA, has been with ODU since 1987, since she received a MFA in Dance from the University of Oklahoma. She has performed and choreographed for dance companies in New York and throughout the United States. Her video work has received awards in Europe, Canada, the United States, and South America. She is the artistic director of University Dance Theatre and teaches all levels of modern technique, beginning ballet, anatomy/kinesiology for dance, teaching principles, dance composition, dance appreciation, and improvisation.

Together with Dan Boord and Luis Valdovina they exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY; The Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN; Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain, Toronto Film Festival, Toronto, Canada; Robert Flaherty Film Seminar and Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Holland.

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