Vexed (2012)
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Telcosystems – Gideon Kiers (NL) + David Kiers (NL) + Lucas van der Velden (NL)
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Vexed (single—channel video, 2012)  As physicists are closing in on the particle described as the fundamental building block in our understanding of the Universe, Telcosystems show a far less conclusive particle theory; one that describes a digital world that is unstable and multimodal by nature, only revealing itself through bits and pieces traveling at superluminal velocity. At these speeds even the slightest fluctuation or disturbance unleashes a cascade of shapeshifting sono—optical movements, constantly challenging and redefining the rules by which this pattern—defying universe is pulled from stasis into turbulent chaos.

Telcosystems — in their audiovisual works, Telcosystems research the relation between the behavior of programmed numerical logic and the human perception of this behavior; they aim at an integration of human expression and programmed machine behavior. This becomes manifest in the immersive audiovisual installations they make, in films, videos, soundtracks, prints and in live performances. The software they write enables them to compose ever—evolving audiovisual worlds. Telcosystems’ installations and films focus on real—time, self—structuring, generative processes, in their live performances they focus on the interaction with these processes. Their work is the result of an ongoing search for an own language of non—referential image and sound, and is characterized by a lucid and restrained aesthetics, closely related to the technology they use. In interaction with machines Telcosystems fuse the auditive and visual domains into one immersive spatial experience that explores the limits of the human sensory apparatus.

Their work has been shown at museums, galleries and festivals such as Ars Electronica (Linz), IFFR (Rotterdam), Holland Festival (Amsterdam), .MOV festival (Tokyo), EMAF (Osnabrück), Transmediale (Berlin), Sonar (Barcelona), Shortfilm Festival Oberhausen, Short Film Festival Hamburg, Elektra (Montreal), De Appel (Amsterdam), The New York Digital Salon, Mu (Eindhoven), Wood Street Galleries (Pittsburgh), Boijmans van Beuningen (Rotterdam), Künstlerhaus (Vienna) and 25 FPS (Zagreb). Their film LOUDTHINGS received the Gus Van Sant Award for Best Experimental Film at the Ann Arbor Film Festival 2009 and the Grand Prix 2008 at 25 FPS festival in Zagreb Croatia.

Gideon Kiers, David Kiers and Lucas van der Velden are the founding members of Telcosystems. Lucas van der Velden (b. 1976 in Eindhoven) and Gideon Kiers (b. 1975 in Amsterdam) live and work in Rotterdam. Both studied at the Interfaculty Image and Sound of the Royal Conservatory and the Royal Academy in Hague.

David Kiers (1977 in Amsterdam) studied Sonology at the Royal Conservatory in Hague. He works and lives in Amsterdam.

WRO Art Center  
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