230312:QRmovie (single—channel video, 2012) is a project consisting of interactive movies. Each movie is shaped by a QR`s sequence. The QR`s shown will be transformed becoming in a new one. Each one remains fixed in the movie the necessary time for an user, if it is desired, can use a smartphone, tablet or another electronic device to read it and access the link.
The movies have been made as follows: first of all, they have been chosen some of the most known and visited websites in 2011, including Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, … After that, all the links on the main page of each one have been copied. Later these links have been encoded for getting the QR’s. Finally they have been ordered linearly to form the movie of each website.
The project is based on the idea of the hyperlink as a digital non-place. This concept is often discussed in the material or physical world but nowdays digital is part of reality too. In this way the hyperlink is presented as a non-place in the digital world, a place of access, of transit, without any identity. The main goal of this project is to analyze the aesthetics of this digital non—place.
Taking into account the previous objective, and considering that the usual scenario where these digital non—places appear are the websites, the project proposes another way of perceiving these hyperlinks. It does it from three different perspectives. On the one hand, they have been materialized through a graphical representation or image. Also, they are decontextualized by showing them as part of a film. And finally, the nonlinear reading provided by a hyperlink contrasts with the linearity of a film. Ultimately the user approaches differently to the hyperlink.
whoun a.k.a. Juan Cedenilla (ES) — an interdisciplinary artist engaged in developing projects in the areas of photography, video, video—installations, interactive installations and net.art. Interested in the technology, he began his studies of B.S. Telematic Engineering. After some years he decided to give priority to his creative side. This purpose led him to begin his artistic education at the University of Granada (Spain). Driven by his interest in the field of audiovisual and interactive art, he moved to Valencia (Spain) where he finished his B.A. Fine Arts. Due to his desire to learn further more about interactive art, he is currently studying the Interface Culture Master in Linz (Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria). In his projects he criticizes and analyzes the behavior of people toward technology or society. He tries to look at this behavior from another point of view to make and provide it of a new creative feature. He has exhibited in differents countries as Austria, Spain or Mexico.