Digitising Contemporary Art
May 10th 2013, 11:30 — 14:30
Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Wrocław
Traugutta 19/21; auditorium 410, 4th floor
An overwiev of current issues connected with digitisation of contemporary art. The peculiarity of presented archives and collections as well as experiences coming from digitisation of 30 thousand artworks from 21 European art centers, galleries and museums of contemporary art (DCA project) provide the context for the experts` presentations.
The Digitising Contemporary Art conference during WRO 2013 Media Art Biennale Pioneering Values is part of the guest lectures series organized by Art Mediation Department of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Wrocław.
Conference language: English; written bilingual translations of the lectures are provided.
Entrance free. Registration for free entry pass to all other events of the WRO 2013 Biennale:
chair: Bartek Korzeniowski
11:30 Welcome
Anita Wincencjusz—Patyna, Academy of Art and Design, Wrocław
11:35—11:55 The WRO Collection: Active Archiving
Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka, Bartek Korzeniowski
WRO Art Center, Wrocław
12:00—12:20 From Media Art Preservation to the on-line Access to European Culture Heritage
Rony Vissers, DCA project / PACKED, Brussels
12:25—12:50 Documenting and Archiving: the Collection of the Museum of the Wrocław Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Krzysztof Pachurka, Museum of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Wrocław
coffee break: 12:50—13:10
13:15—13:35 What Are We Archiving For? A Few Remarks on the DCA Project
Baruch Gottlieb, transmediale, Berlin
13:40—14:05 Once In, Many Out
Wiel Seuskens, LIMA, Amsterdam
Q&As, closing remarks
Baruch Gottlieb is an artist and researcher. Before starting at the transmediale archive where he manages the DCA project with Ruth Kemper, he worked at the Vilém Flusser Archiv archiving the video collection. Gottlieb`s background in filmmaking has informed his practice which today concentrates on automation-based semantic models and performance. From 2005—2008 he was assistant professor of Media Art at Yonsei University Graduate School of Communication and Arts in Seoul, Korea. He is currently a research fellow at ZKM, Karlsruhe and lecturer in philosophy of media at the UdK Berlin.
Bartek Korzeniowski – graduated from the University of Glasgow, a PhD student of a joint program organized by the University of Lancaster and the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He deals with new media, and in particular, with the human-computer interaction and image-text relation. He joined WRO team for WRO 2011 Biennale and worked on setting-up and programming of interactive installations. Currently he works on WRO archive, researching the audiovisual source materials, creating metadata and making the content available online via DCA and video.wrocenter.pl. Since 2012 he teaches archiving and digitising of contemporary art at the Academy of Arts and Design in Wrocław.
Agnieszka Kubicka—Dzieduszycka – curator and producer of cultural and artistic events and TV programs on media art. She graduated in German Philology at the Wrocław University and studied also at the Philipps Univiersität in Marburg (Germany). Since 1994 she cooperates with the WRO Fundation on organising most of its exhibitions, educational, dissemination and art mediation projects, including ten editions of WRO Media Art Biennale. She is member of Art Council of the Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts in Lower Silesia and has worked for international jury panels; since 2011 she teaches at the Academy of Arts and Design in Wrocław.
Marcin Mierzicki — in 2001 he graduated from the Faculty of Painting and Sculpture at the Academy of Arts and Design in Wrocław (diploma in painting). Since 2003 he works in Museum of ASP Wrocław, engaging himself in elaboration and dissemination of the Academy`s archives and collection. Since 2010 he teaches at the Art Mediation Department. He creates paintings, videos, installations and objects that often employ sound. His works are based on proccesses of activities creating a structure to provoke interaction. In 2006 and 2011 he was awarded a scholarships by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
Anita Wincencjusz—Patyna — art historian, head of the Institute of History of Art and Philosophy, she works as a lecturer at the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław. She earned her PhD in humanities and art history at the University of Wrocław in 2007. She deals with history of illustration and design of the 20th and 21st century. Author of „Stacja Ilustracja” [Station Illustration], a publication about book illustration between 1950 and 1980. She was awarded a scholarship of Trinity Room Hub at the Trinity College in Dublin (2011).
Krzysztof Pachurka — graduated in Art Education from the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań, since 2010 the Head of Museum of The Academy of Arts and Design in Wrocław. He originated the project aiming at elaboration and dissemination the artistic heritage by students, graduates and teachers of the Wrocław Art Academy, the implementation of which he currently supervises.
Wiel Seuskens studied Image and Media Technology at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (HKU) in Utrecht. He has worked at various Internet firms, specializing in live content and for the HKU as an instructor in computer graphics. The last ten years he was responsible for the IT and the day to day running of the Artlab at the Netherlands Media Art Institute. Presently he has his own company which is specialized in Internet applications and IT—solutions as well as he works for LIMA, the Dutch national expertise center for archiving, collecting, preseving and dsitribution of media art, on every digital aspect of preserving media art.
Rony Vissers — holds master`s degrees in information and library science, library and documentation science and communication sciences. He is coordinator at PACKED (Platform for the Archiving and Preservation of Audiovisual Arts) and supervises an international research project on the preservation of playback and display equipment for audiovisual art. Before he worked as a creator, producer and distributor of various media art projects and was the curator of film, video and music at STUK art center in Leuven. As a collection manager he worked for argos centre for art and media in Brussels where he coordinated the contribution of argos to the EU-funded project Gateway to Archives of Media Art (GAMA). In 2011—2013 Rony has been coordinating the Digitising Contemporary Art project.
Ewa Zarzycka — in 1978 she graduated from the former Higher State School of Fine Arts in Wrocław, now the Academy of Arts and Design. Since 2008 she teaches there at Art Mediation Department running the Performance Art Atelier. She works with performance since 1980 and is one of the sparse artists who create ‘speeking permormances’, she also creates drawings, objects and installations. Her artistic activities include also film, video—performance and documentation. She took part in many individual and group exhibitions, festivals, symposiums in Poland and abroad. In 2006 she was awarded a scholarship of Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.