G/R/E/A/S/E (2013)
Video , 22:00

Antoni Pinent (ES)

Work presented as part of the WRO 2013 on Tour as a whole or an excerpt (04:29)

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G/R/E/A/S/E (single—channel video, 2008—2013)  Inspired by Dziga Vertov, Mimmo Rotella, and Christian Marclay, a handmade décollage — a new (sub)version of ‘‘Grease’’ from 1978, starring Olivia Travolta and John Newton—John.

Antoni Pinent (born 1975) — a Spanish freelance contemporary art curator. Film curator, programmer, experimental film producer and maker. Since 2004, he has been running the Cine Invisible section at the Xcèntric (Centro de Cultura Contemporanea de Barcelona). Together with Miguel F. Labayen, he directs “Xperimenta. Miradas contemporáneas al Cine Experimental” (CCCB Biennial 2007, 2009). With Andrés Hispano, he curated the exhibition “THAT’S NOT ENTERTAINMENT! Cinema Begets Cinema” (CCCB, 2006—2007). Film Curator of the international travelling cycle “DEL ÉXTASIS AL ARREBATO. 50 years of the other Spanish cinema” [FROM ECSTASY TO RAPTURE], accompanied by a catalogue—DVD edited by Cameo “DEL ÉXTASIS AL ARREBATO. A journey through Spanish experimental cinema”. Awarded II Biennial Museum of Contemporary Cinema Foundation (MoCC Foundation, New York / Paris / Madrid, November 2008). He directs and coordinates contemporary art courses and was a co—founder of the magazine—group Cabeza Borradora (Madrid, 2001—2004).

WRO Art Center  
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