Seeds (2012)
International Video 1   

Shahar Marcus (IL)
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Seeds (single—channel video, 2012)  The video work deals with mines that are still buried in the ground after the war was over. From a beautiful top—shot the camera follows three professional mine—removers. They move slowly in meditative movement in a no men`s land desert. They look for mines, find some and remove them. This act leaves a visible trail which the artist, dressed as a pioneer, follows, while sowing seeds, from a small bag (refers to Millet famous painting) on the same track the mines were removed from. The sowing as a healing gesture suggests a new hope to come.

Shahar Marcus (b. 1971 in Petah Tikva) — an Isreali interdisciplinary artist who works primarily with video, performance, and installation.

He regularly appears in his video works, playing different roles, crossing his personal and artistic figure with that of someone else. In his performances, he relates his body to organic and perishable materials, such as dough, bread, juice or ice. His relationship to those materials examines the position and the role of his body as both human and creator. His choice of perishables likewise highlights the nature of art and life.

He exhibited in Tate Modern, the Israel Museum, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Charlottenburg Kunsthalle in Copenhagen, Moscow Biennale, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Poznań Biennale and other venues in Germany, France, Italy and USA.

WRO Art Center  
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