FADE OUT (2011)
International Video 3   

Paul Destieu (FR)
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FADE OUT (single—channel video, 2011)  „Fade—out” is a technical term both used in fields of cinema and sound to designate a transition or an end: the decrease of a signal until silence or complete disappearance.

The scene focuses on the progressive burying of a drumset under a gravel flow where each impact is amplified and recorded as crashing on the different instrument`s parts. The sequence proposes an experimentation around this technical process by materializing such transition between two states. The flow produces a rhythm section which slowly turns into a sound and visual chocking.

Paul Destieu — a French visual artist. He holds two Master degrees in Visual Arts (2004, 2006). He studied at the Institute of Visual Arts in Orléans, France and Fine Art Academy of Warsaw, Poland.

His research questions technology and its impact on our environment, his work examines the situation of machines within our society. His work is noticeably fed by the history of media and the artist uses calibration, synchronization processes or setup configurations as many means for artistic production. His art pro­duction focuses on the virtual and phy­sical ter­ri­tories of our contem­porary society in order to reveal affi­nities between structure and emp­tyness. Pro­cesses of des­truc­tions, high­ja­ckings or attacks are then used to shape and question the border between emer­gence and col­lapsing of a system through video, new media or ins­tal­lation works. Since several years his work has been exhi­bited in France and abroad.

His works were lately exhibited at the Parker’s Box, NYC; DAAP Galery, Cincinnati; DEPO Istanbul, Lille 3000, Gare Saint—Sauveur; Loop Festival, Barcelona.

He is co—founder of Otto—Prod/La Vitrine and cur­rently organizes cultural exchanges and events between France and Slo­venia.

He lives and works in Marseille.

WRO Art Center  
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