America Is Not Ready For This (2012)
Video , 67:30

Karol Radziszewski (PL)
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The inspiration and starting point for the film America Is Not Ready For This was the Polish artist Natalia LL`s stay in New York in 1977. Thirty—four years later, Karol Radziszewski decided to embark on a journey to America to meet with the artists and gallery owners, which Natalia LL met during that stay in the US.

With only a few black—and—white photographs and names scribbled in a small notebook, Radziszewski began his artistic investigation. He talked with artists: Marina Abramovic, Vito Acconci, AA Bronson, Carolee Schneemann, the gallerist Antonio Homem, critic Douglas Crimp, as well as with the star of Andy Warhol`s movies — Mario Montez. The protagonists of the film recall the atmosphere of New York in the 1970s, providing a picture of what Natalia LL could be confronted with at that time. They also analyze what America was “ready” for.

Radziszewski revives Natalia LL`s memories, confronting both — Polish and western — narratives of art history. The artist raises a series of questions on issues such as gender, feminist art, conceptual art, queer and East—West relations and their impact on the art world in the context of the Iron Curtain. The film is both a search for parallels between the artistic experiences of Natalia LL and Karol Radziszewski, as well as an attempt to examine the rules of the positioning of artists in the art world, both at that time and today.

Film produced in cooperation with Contemporary Wroclaw Museum and Residency Unlimited with support from Polish Institute in New York.

Directing: Karol Radziszewski
Cinematography: Rafał Żurek, Sebastien Sanz de Santamaria, Johan Decaix
Editing: Marek Sobolewski
Music: Adam Walicki
Sound: Kamil Radziszewski

Karol Radziszewski (b. 1980) — a Polish interdisciplinary artist. Graduate of Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Faculty of Painting (2004). He works with photography, video, film, installations and creates interdisciplinary projects. His practice extends to magazines, artist books, fashion, as well as curatorial concept projects. Publisher and editor—in—chief of DIK Fagazine. Laureate of Paszport Polityki (2009). Radziszewski has exhibited at institutions, including the National Museum in Warsaw, Zachęta National Gallery of Art in Warsaw, Kunsthalle Wien in Vienna, Wrocław Contemporary Museum, Museum Of Contemporary Art Vojvodina in Novi Sad, Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź, the National Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst in Leipzig, CCA Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw; 4th Prague Biennale, New York Photo Festival, Bat—Yam International Biennale of Landscape Urbanism, Biennale of Young Artists in Tallinn, Real Art Ways Hartford; New Museum in New York, Cobra Museum of Modern Art in Amsterdam.

He lives and works in Warsaw.

WRO Art Center  
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