Nearer — Farther (1985)
Bliżej — Dalej
Pioneering Values Artist Shows: Skip Blumberg, Józef Robakowski, Michael Scroggins   
Video , 03:00

Józef Robakowski (PL)

Work presented as part of the WRO 2013 on Tour

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Nearer — Farther (video, 1985) A video work that continues the explorations of the Film Form Workshop in Łódź into the media nature of the video camera, making use of its inadequacies to create and record lighting phenomena.

Józef Robakowski (born 1939) — author of films, photographic series, videos, installations and conceptual projects. Also known as performer and initiator of many artistic events. He undertakes experimental actions, based on merging film image and sound, which currently belongs to the classic of polish conceptual and post-conceptual art of the 70s. Co—founder of the avant—groups Zero—61 and the Film Form Workshop. Since 1971 he has been running The Exchange Gallery focused at present art.

WRO Art Center  
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