Power Spot (1986)
Video , 07:40

Michael Scroggins (USA)

Work presented as part of the WRO 2013 on Tour

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As in the preceding series of absolute videographic animation studies, the video images in Power Spot were created through a process of live improvisation. Just as the interplay of the sonic elements within absolute music create meaning, it is the simultaneous and successive deviation of recurring visual elements that create meaning in this absolute visual work. The affect created by the visual composition in this recording works in conjunction with and in opposition to that of the aural. An interdependent, complimentary relationship is established in the opening, followed by an increasingly divergent relationship in the middle, returning to an interdependence toward the end.

Michael Scroggins — a classic of an absolute cinema, a pioneer of computer animation. Lecturer at CalArts (California Institute of the Arts) at the Department of Film and Video. Member of the legendary group Single Wing Turquoise Bird.

WRO Art Center  
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