Jack Duo (2011)

Quentin Aurat (FR) + Emilie Pouzet (FR)
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Jack Duo (performance, 2011) is a sound performance using body as a musical interface. The device consists of three jack cables connected to a mixing console that create feedback loops. By touching the jacks, the body contact between the two performers create a variety of singular noises. The body, „plugged” like an electric guitar, becomes a complex and unstable moving instrument.

Quentin Aurat (b. 1990 in Orléans) and Émilie Pouzet are two young French artists working together in the field of visual arts, dance and music. Since 2009, they offer performances and transdisciplinary multimedia installations that explore the modes of motion from one reality into its opposite by the transgression of our perception.

WRO Art Center  
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