Barbie’s American Dream (2012)
Video , 02:53

Julia Kurek (PL)

Work presented as part of the WRO 2013 on Tour

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Barbie`s American Dream (single—channel video, 2012)  The video was recorded on Moscow`s Red Square. During the operation, the artist, dressed as a Barbie doll, a symbol of the commercial America, was shooting a soap bubbles gun with quite a resonant sound at people and objects within her sight. The work refers to antagonisms existing between the two superpowers — America and Russia.

Julia Kurek (b. 1984 in Szczecin) — a Polish visual artist. She graduated with honours from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk (Faculty of Sculpture, specialization: Intermedia) (2009). She also studied at the Marmara Universitesi in Istanbul (2008—2009). In 2012, she completed her doctoral studies at the Faculty of Sculpture, Academy of Fine Arts, Kraków. She is quite active in the exhibition spaces. She participated in many exhibitions, festivals, and workshops, in Germany, Belarus, Italy, and Poland.

WRO Art Center  
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