Samalu (2012)

KairUs – Linda Kronman (FI) + Andreas Zingerle (AT)
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Samalu (installation, 2012)  finds inspiration in old folk believes and shaman rituals, but brings the meaning of the mountain myths of Austria and Korea into contemponareity. Mountains` worship reflects norms of society that has always found ways to express their dreams, hopes, and fears, yet media and values have changed. A non—linear story around this theme explores how we — in our highly modern societies — are attached to the nature through the mountains.

Leave no stone unturned while you explore the storyworlds of the “Salige” (in Austria, a wise woman with special power, helping hikers in the mountains) and “San—shin” (in Korea, the spirit protecting the mountains against evil) through still images, video, sound and narration. The interface — constructed of a number of stones — refers to stone piles found on hiking trails around the world, each stone concealing an unique story. By lifting one or several of the real fist—size stones, the visitor can experience various myths from both countries and explore different mountain landscapes.

KairUs is an artist collaboration platform founded in 2010 by Linda Kronman and Andreas Zingerle. The platform takes interest in human—computer and human—human interaction and focuses on media art bringing together both artists and art enthusiast to work on various projects.

Andreas Zingerle (b. 1980 in Innsbruck) — an Austrian media artist. In the last years, he worked on several installations exploring a creative misuse of technology and alternative ways of human—computer interaction.

Graduate of the New Design University, St. Poelten—Vienna, Austria, and the University of Art and Industrial Design in Linz, Austria. He has also studied at the University of Art and Design in Helsinki, Finland. Artist—in—residence (Redgate Gallery, Beijing, China; National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea; Subnet, Salzburg, Austria) and scholarship holder (UNESCO / National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea, 2011; University of Art and Industrial Design, Linz, Austria, 2008; International Summeracademy of Fine Arts, Salzburg, Austria, 2006). Prizewinner (Europrix Multimedia Quality Seal, 2009).

He lives and works in Graz.

Linda Kronman (b. 1979 in Helsinki) — a Finnish media artist and a designer. In her artistic work, she explores interactive and transmedial methods of storytelling. She is interested in participatory art and design practices, especially in connection to creative activism. She has worked as a graphic designer, art director, and animation designer for numerous media production companies and taken part in several multidisciplinary research & design projects. She has organised several participatory workshops and attended international exhibitions.

Graduate of in New Media from the Aalto University, School of Art and Design, Helsinki, Finland). She has also studied at IDAS Hong—ik University in Seoul, South Korea.

She lives and works in Linz.

WRO Art Center  
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