Swan (2012)
Video , 01:06

Dobrosława Nowak (PL)

Work presented as part of the WRO 2013 on Tour

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Swan (video, 2012)

And they also have to undergo the senses that prevail over the brain. The senses they are in slavery of and they have to listen to for their own natural good of relentless cries of the outside world. In this great procession of departures and returns lies the mystery of these two unstoppable temptations: the heat and humidity.

[tłum. Klaudyna Majchrzycka] Daniel Zgliński, 1919

Dobrosława Nowak (b. 1987 in Poznań) — Polish intermedia artist. Currently, she is preparing her graduation diploma in Photography at the University of Arts in Poznań and diploma in Psychology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. She works on the questions of instinct. The artist participated in group exhibitions (Bunker of Art, Kraków, 2012; lAbiRynT New Art Festival, Słubice, 2012; FINISAż. The unofficial ending of Mediations Biennale, Zamek Culture Centre, Poznań, 2010) and video shows (Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art, Yerevan, 2013; KI SK Gallery, Bolivia, 2012; Research Slade Center, London, 2012; 7th Film and One— Minute Form Festival THE ONE MINUTES, Gdańsk, 2012; IV Polish Short Film Festival SHORT WAVES, SECOND CHANCE 2012).

WRO Art Center  
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