Crystal City 002 (2013)
水晶城市 002
Rings of Saturn   

Chi-Tsung Wu (TW)
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Crystal City 004 (installation, 2013)  A new project of the Crystal City series.

There is another invisible world in which we live each and every day. It is made up of electronic equipment, programs, networks, media and information. A city that grows like a crystal, each individual element within it automatically coming together and infinitely expanding and spreading according to a internally set rhythm and logic. It is transparent, light, invisible and lacking in volume, but yet still projecting a world of unparalleled reality. A place considered to be our spiritual home.

Chi Tsung Wu (b. 1981 in Taipei, Taiwan) — his work, in which he devotes great attention to the methods used in producing and interpreting images, spans across different media, including photography, video, and installation art.

He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Taipei National University of the Arts in 2004.  In 2003, he received the top prize of the Taipei Arts Award, and in 2006 was shortlisted for the “Artes Mundi” prize. He has had several solo exhibitions, including at IT Park (Taipei, 2004 and 2009) and Chi—Wen Gallery (Taipei, 2009), and his work has been included in group exhibitions, such as THE ELEGANCE OF SILENCE (Mori Museum, Tokyo, 2005), Artes Mundi (National Museum of Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2006), OUR FUTURE, THE GUY AND MYRIAM ULLENS FOUNDATION COLLECTION (Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA), Beijing, 2008), and TAIWAN CALLING — THE PHANTOM OF LIBERTY / ELUSIVE ISLAND (Műcsarnok — Kunsthalle, Budapest, 2010).

He lives and works in Taipei.

WRO Art Center  
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