Hidden present (2012)
Rings of Saturn   

Masahito Koshinaka (JP)
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When I visited Omihachiman – City, Japan, my first impression was a lot of traffic of freight train. I thought what would be transported. I imagined the figure which someone has packed and received. So, this is a present(gift). There are a lot of kind of presents. Everyone has got the present abruptly once. If it is the hopeless present, we must get because it is still present. It may be said a decided result has been sent naturally. And, such situation is like our uneasiness and the problem that were given in our life. A process before leading to this result should have included many opinions and trials (variety), but it inclines toward a result of one without choice (uniformity). And I felt I have accepted obedient so that the result is natural. Were they uniformity I was informed? I felt the variety was replaced by uniformity. I think the process of becoming uniformity and the reason are come to the surface when I gather the source of variety. I can’t answer what we should do for this uniform uneasiness and problem that we have been given now. However, I think we must not repeat any more.

WRO Art Center  
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