Krzysztof Kaman Kłosowicz
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Krzysztof Kaman Kłosowicz
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Mirosław E. Koch`s photographs have been taken during the autumn of 1990 or the spring of 1991. They depict an improvised concert by Kaman and Maleńczuk in the centre of Wrocław on Kiełbaśnicza street, in front of the ephemeral Lśnienie Wrocławia Gallery (The Shining of Wrocław, formerly known as galeria Bez Tytułu, currently as Galeria Miejska).

The sound installation by Paweł Janicki is based upon the sound material recorded during the concert of KAMAN with Big Beat band in 1987.

KAMAN (Krzysztof Kłosowicz) – a ceramic artist, a songwriter, a musician and a singer. A legend of the Polish alternative scene, consequently operating outside of the music business. The founder of Miki Mousoleum (1980) and Big Beat (1986), bands playing a quaint variant of urban reggae (miej-ska music). Through the combination of poetry and cold precision of depiction his lyrics express existential and political problems. „Zomo na Legnickiej” (Mechanised MP on Legnicka street), „Brytyjscy Górnicy” (The British Miners), and „Polityka kulturalna” (Cultural Policy) are the most regonisable of his songs, known mostly from the passed around demo tapes and bootlegs. Kaman’s songs have been covered by, among others, Maciej Maleńczuk and Pudelsi, and Big Cyc.

WRO Art Center  
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