[mu:stərman] — a Flood Story (2012)
Rings of Saturn   
Installation , 17:00

Maarten Isaäk de Heer (NL)

Work presented as part of the WRO 2013 on Tour

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An Animated Cityscape in which Western—European Animals inhabit an Eco—Social Housing Estate.

When the Rising Tide is flowing in and Floods their Homes completely, they do not act surprised or scared: They just Go with the Flow, for it is an Endlessly Repeated Story.

Maarten Isaäk de Heer (born 1977 in Diepenveen) — a Dutch animation artist. Inspired by the children`s picture—books by Ali Mitgutsch, Pieter Brueghel`s paintings and Eastern European Naiv painters like Ivan Generalić, he started making high resolution animated land— and cityscapes: HANDELINGEN – “The Book of Acts” (2009) and [mu:stərman] – a Flood Story (2012). These works fill the gap between animation, film, and classical art. The films are presented as any classical painting or photograph; a continuous looped installation, a static view on a landscape. With these works de Heer is reintroducing the possibility of quietly observing an image. He is now working on animated slideshow landscapes.

He graduated from the Minerva Academy in Groningen, Kungliga Konsthögskolan in Stockholm and Atelier Luxus in Berlin.

He lives and works in Berlin.

WRO Art Center  
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