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Camila Rhodi (BR)
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OVER 18 ONLY (single—channel or two—channel video, 2012)  A multimedia performance based on a parallel between the artist’s love affairs and her sexual abuse experience in childhood. In a confined space with one bed, a small table and chair, each person from the audience lays down comfortably on the bed, seesthe first video called Long Time No Sex projected on the ceiling and hears with headphonesa mixed soundtrack based on Serge Gainsbourg‘s song “Je T’aime”. Next, another video called Over 18 Only begins in a small projection on the wall beside the pillow where the head of the spectator is supposed to be. This video describes the sexual abuse.

This random and ongoing video installation is a mixture of the funny, erotic and ironic stories of love affairs written in red on a toilette paper and a black and white serious story of violence.

Camila Rhodi (b. 1978) — a Brazilian intermedia artist. She has been working since 2005 with autobiographical performances. Based on her own stories, the artist has developed some shows, performances and video installations. She also wrote the monograph “The Process of Creating Scenes from Autobiographical Performance” which was developed as her final thesis for the Postgraduate Course on Aesthetics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Her last piece is OVER 18 ONLY, developed during her stay as Artist in Residence at Home Base Berlin in 2012 and was part of the first edition of Dreizig Festival in Berlin. She studied Drama in Martins Penna Theatre School, has a BA in Communications. She had already work with many directors in Theatre, Movie and TV. In 2008, did her first solo presentation A Filha da Chacrete soon after writing the monograph “The Process of Creating the Scene from an Autobiographical Performance”. In 2010, sponsored by OI Futuro Institute, she did A Dona do Fusca Laranja, an autobiographical performance in three acts. She lives and works in Berlin.

WRO Art Center  
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