SecondStroke (2012)
Rings of Saturn   

Precyzja – Patrycja Ochała (PL) + Jakub Hader (PL)
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SecondStroke (installation, 2012)  A combination of traditional painting and interactive video projection so that the objects displayed by the projector react to sound and form the second layer of the image visible only in the moment of interaction.

Patrycja Ochała (b. 1985 in Jasło) — she works mainly with poster and linocut. She graduated in graphics at the University of Rzeszów and is now studying Art She had several exhibitions, among others, “Byt i Styl” in Lublin, “Temperatura ciała i pokojowa” and “Srebrny czworokąt” in Przemyśl, “Kultura miejska” at Stara Drukarnia in Rzeszów or artFEST in Tarnów.

Jakub Hader (b. 1982 in Rzeszów) — a video producer. He works in the field of generative art, experimenting with various forms of new media, often combining analog visual effects with computer code. Member of a Space F!ght live—act group. He performed widely in Poland (“Texstyle Mapping”, Festiwal Przestrzeni Miejskiej, Rzeszów, 2012; “Lomorondo”, Rondo Sztuki, Katowice, 2010) and abroad, including Kernel Festival, Italy, 2012; Dublin Culture Night, Dublin, 2011; University of York, Great Britain, 2011.

Together with Patrycja Ochała, he works in Prezycja group.

WRO Art Center  
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