Solace (installation, 2011) A cinematic installation that explores the mental process and physical activity of seeing. At regular intervals a handcrafted apparatus creates a monumental soap film as a spatial intervention. Through precise lighting the inner movement of the soap film is revealed, showing a turbulent choreography of iridescent color and fluid motion. As gravity slowly gets a hold of the membrane the viewer can be fascinated with the phenomenon, until inevitably the fragile film bursts.
With Solace, the artist wanted to see how to create a space in which the body is actively engaged through all the senses. She tried to emphasize the tactile aspect, with the humid air, but also with the touching of the colored reflections from the soap film on the skin, the smell with the scent of the soap, and the hearing with the very subtle sound of the bursting of the soap film.
The physical activity of seeing comes forward when the audience is confronted with an enormous distorted mirror image of themselves, while quickly being captivated by the changing of the very bright and intense colours. Solace refers to this moment of piece in times of distress.
Nicky Assmann (born 1980 in Utrecht) — a Dutch visual artist that explores in her work how the body relates to objects and spaces, and refers to scientific and natural phenomena. The skin, both visible as invisible is a recurring metaphor in her work and is extended into the space. This phenomenological approach results in the use of different media, like wearable technology (embodied instruments & objects), performances and kinetic light installations. With these spatial installations she creates dynamic and temporary spaces in which the sensorial experience takes a central point.
Her work was nominated for the StartPoint Prize 2011 (Honorary Mention) & the Artificial Light Award on Reflection (2010). She has presented her work at V2_Institute (the Netherlands), TAG (the Netherland) and in exhibitions at Wood Street Galleries (Pittsburgh), Quartier 21 (Vienna), Exit Festival (Paris), ISMAR (Basel), Almost Cinema (Gent), 5 Minutes Museum (Eindhoven), STRP Festival (the Netherlands), 5 Days Off Media (the Netherlands), Future Textiles (Denmark), Biennale of Carrara (Italy) & performed at festivals like TodaysArt (the Netherlands), E—Pulse (the Netherlands) and 5 Days Off (the Netherlands).
She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Film Science and a Master in ArtScience from the Interfaculty of the Royal Conservatoire & the Royal Academy of Art in the Hague.