Supermajor (2012)
Rings of Saturn   

Matt Kenyon (US)
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Supermajor (installation, 2012)  An installation consisting of oil cans on a wire rack in which one can has a fissure where oil slowly spills out onto the pedestal and floor surface, but then the oil flows back into another can drop by drop through some form of optical illusion.

Matt Kenyon (b. 1977 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana) — an American artist and educator. He received a MFA in painting and printmaking from Virginia Commonwealth University. He is interested in the convergence of art, emerging technologies and popular culture. Many of his recent works feature interactive computing technologies and artificial intelligence/artificial life as a means for making cultural critique.

In 1999, together with Douglas Easterly, he co—founded SWAMP (Studies of Work Atmosphere and Mass Production). His work focuses on critical themes addressing the effects of global corporate operations, mass media and communication, military—industrial complexes, and general meditations on the liminal area between life and artificial life. SWAMP has been making work in this vein since 1999 using a wide range of media, including custom software, electronics, mechanical devices, and often times working with living organisms.

Kenyon’s work has been shown at the Museum of Modern Art, NYC; Exit Art, NYC; Science Gallery, Dublin, Ireland; The Edith Russ Site for Media, Oldenburg, Germany; The Foundation of Art and Creative Technology, Liverpool, England; SIGGRAPH Art Gallery, San Diego, California.

WRO Art Center  
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