Naško Križnar (born 1943 in Ljubljana, Slovenia) — an ethnologist and archeologist (Ljubljana University, 1970), he was a member of OHO Group and founder and head of the Audio—Visual Laboratory at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (1982). His Ph.D. was earned in visual ethnographic methodology (1996). He was the author of numerous visual ethnographic field productions, ethnographic films and publications („Filmography of Slovene Ethnographic Film 1905—1980”, „Visual Research in Ethnology”, „Ethnographic Film Between Tradition and Illusion”, „Visual Culture”). Kriznar has been a professor of undergraduate and postgraduate visual anthropology at the Primorska University in Koper since 2004, where he started the Centre for Visual Ethnography. He organizes and heads the annual Summer School of Visual Ethnography in Nova Gorica (since 1979). Since 2006 he has led the Days of Ethnographic Film, an international festival in Ljubljana.