Feast (single—channel video, 2013) The starting point for the film are the works of the 17th—century Flemish animal painters, including Frans Snyders, Jan and Ferdinand van Kessel, as well as a posthuman thought experiment, evoking a vision of the world in which the man disappears. The title feast, during which these are intruders that occupy the space instead of the invited guests, the film becomes a filmic vanitas painting, documenting the final moments of a gradually disintegrating existing order/status quo. A colourful study of destruction meets a moment where life just shyly annexes orphaned space, bringing to mind images of a the city spectrum defenseless against the passage of time.
direction, editing: Wojtek Doroszuk
executive producer: Agata Szymańska | Filmpolis
associate producer: Paweł Przywara
photography: Michał Sosna, Marcin Łaskawiec
camera assistant: Mariusz Orzechowski
sound: Igor Kłaczyński
light: Bartłomiej Gocał, Zbigniew Radkiewicz, Kamil Smoter (Cinelight Film)
set design, food styling: Małgorzata Molska, Marta Wyczółkowska
flower styling: Marta Kostrz
entomological cooperation: Zbigniew Zalewski
animal care: Izabela Wałek, Zula Przybylińska and volunteers from the z Cracow Animal Shelter
intro typography: Yomar Augusto | yomaraugusto.com
artistic cooperation: David Bobee
The antique furniture used in the film — courtesy of the Sosenko family.
The project was carried out with the support of Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles Haute—Normandie, Ville de Rouen, Galerie Joseph Tang, Paris.